About me

Me at the Laphroaig Distillery in Islay, Scotland

I’ve been a full stack web developer for 5+ years. While I’ve primarily worked in Ruby, JavaScript, and Java, I’m comfortable with most high-level languages. Lately I’ve been thinking about complex user structures and how to help customers reach their goals.

  • Problem-solver: This is what hooked me on software development: the ability to dive in and solve complex problems. Whether it’s fixing bugs or executing company goals, I love breaking problems down and teasing out the solution.

  • Life-long learner: I have a knack for diving in and making sense of the unknown. This has lead to success in each of my roles. Plus, the personal growth and stretching is invigorating. So much so, my primary requirement in any new role is the opportunity for growth.

  • Responsible: I believe in making commitments and communicating issues as early as possible.

  • Advocate: If I see problems, I’m compelled to speak up. This applies to both technical and organizational issues. I don’t believe in just complaining. My focus is always on ways to improve our processes and, ultimately, our product.

  • Team player: I work in a field with a lot of smart and creative people. The mutual learning and collaboration is one of the perks of the job.